Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Planning : Master Catalogue


This is a screen shot of our master catalogue which has the characters, props, music, makeup, and location of our film. it also involves a description of each thing , for example Actor : ABBY , ACTOR, Abby is 16 years old , 5'7" , fair skin tone etc.
This is what pops up at the bottom of the screen when you click on the actor Abby, it contains an image of the actor as well as a description

This is is screen shot of the Master catalog and the amount of different aspects included. We have 10 different aspects in our master catalog these include actors, props, music, location etc.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Planning : Description of Brief

This year our group will be creating the opening scene (2 mins) of an upcoming thriller film, in addition, will be documenting the planning construction and evaluation of the project through the use of a blog as well as multiple digital presentation techniques.