Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Construction: Reflections 10

Reflection 10

The Highs and Lows of Production

Looking back as a group we have come every far from where we started, we have all come together to make a movie prier to not knowing each other that well, and I can say we have had good times and tense times, but I think that we can all say that we are all good friends now. We made a movie which in our opinion is very good and all that time and effort that we put into it has really paid off.

I remember when we would argue over each other trying to get each others points across and how we would argue over the smallest of things but now we all listen to each other, we can laugh at each other and we don't take things as seriously as we would in the beginning. If anything making this movie has taught us about life skills for the future because it has taught all of us how to work with different groups of people and how you communicate with people you don't know, how to talk to them, how to act, how top conduct yourself and it has also given all of us three new friends.

Some of the lows of production was defiantly the beginning as we didn't really know each other that well and we didn't know what we wanted to do. Also the awkward meetings when we would all plan to meet up and when we got their we would know what to say.

The Highs of production are a lot, more that I can put into words but as an overall summary, I would say one of them was making this movie because as I said before it turned out to be quite good, another high was learning all the skills we did along the way, in media terms, camera angles, how to use Photoshop, media software, even how to use a MAC- apple computer.

We as a group are all just happy that we got the opportunity to film and make a movie and enjoy ourselves while making it.

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